Mobile Solutions® provide identification and accountability solutions for Faith Based Organizations that enable staff to create a secure environment for members and students while having greater access to information on people, assets and events. Elliott’s software and hardware solutions are combined to work with mobile capabilities allowing the organization to track on- or off-site during events such as routine Sunday school and group meetings to special events such as mission trips and charity fundraisers.
Monitor all data collected on assets, people and event activity at any time to evaluate time & attendance, support grant reimbursement, justify maintenance purchases, etc.
Print and issue color IDs for members, students, staff and visitors within minutes.
Issue IDs to visitors and track their activity on church property during events, while visiting community center facilities, during school visits, etc.
Track assets assigned to members, students, staff, etc. Manage items of all types and sizes from small electronics to maintenance equipment.
Identify and track member, student, staff and visitor locations on church premises during a building evacuation to ensure everyone has safely exited the facility and has arrived at the mustering point.
Perform member verification during any type of routine or special event on/off-site such as outreach events, club meetings, community service, Sunday school class, daycare, etc.